DIELMO 3D Provides Geospatial Back-Office for UAV, Heli, Fixed-Wing and Mobile Data Acquisition

Valencia, Spain, Centennial CO, – DIELMO 3D S.L., (www.dielmousa.com) Valencia, Spain, Dielmo 3D is pleased to offer their Geospatial Back-Office Services to UAV, Helicopter, Fixed-wing and Moblie data acquisition companies. For geospatial data acquisition companies that may be new to LiDAR and orthophoto mapping or may have need for increased data production capacity, Dielmo offers complete LiDAR and ortho photo production services negating the need to invest in additional expert personnel, software licenses, and training personnel to produce industry leading geospatial products.
With the advent of UAV, LiDAR and Imaging technologies, organizations looking to provide these services face the onerous prospect of hiring additional personnel, training, and purchase of software licenses and the steep learning curve to become proficient in these systems to provide professional mapping, survey and photogrammetric products.
It is important to keep in mind that the generation of a professional mapping, surveying or photogrammetric product is usually not as easy as buying a UAV, camera, and some software, throwing them together and out comes a digital ortho or a LIDAR digital terrain model. It is paramount that mapping, surveying and photogrammetry professionals are utilized in the creation of mapping, surveying and photogrammetric products or the project will suffer the consequences of bad data.
Dielmo’s cloud based, end-to-end solution allows users to upload, store, process and share LiDAR, Raster, Vector data derived from UAV, Helicopter, Fixed-wing and Moblie platforms. Their online service enables data acquisition companies to benefit from the latest in sensor and big data processing technologies, reducing the complexity of data processing and data analysis by not having to invest in expensive software licenses, hiring and training personnel to operate it …companies can focus on growing their business and collecting data for their clients.
Let Dielmo be your Geospatial Production Back Office … Dielmo can handle all of your LiDAR and ortho photo production with their proven, industry leading production capabilities. As well, Dielmo offers their GeoWeb portals in which to manage, view, distribute, and share any geospatial data, raster, vector and LiDAR online from the web or your own secure servers.
About DIELMO 3D S.L.
Since 2003, DIELMO (DIgital ELevation MOdels) offers a broad range of products and services connected with Digital Terrain Models (DTM) and Remote Sensing, and focusing its efforts on internal research projects creating their own technology for production, quality control and distribution of geographic information. DIELMO has become one of the main DTM, digital cartography, acquisition and LiDAR processing and virtual scenarios generation providers in Spain, offering total geographic information solutions and is now in the process of offering their technology to the international community. For more information contact: Central Office : C/ Vicente Casaban Sena 14 Bajo 46950 Xirivella, Valencia; Tel./Fax: +34 963 137 212; www.dielmo.com , E-mail: dielmo@dielmo.com
About Spatial Resources, LLC
Spatial Resources is a spatial advisory practice providing information and assistance to organizations in fields that have need for the efficient and effective application of spatial information. Spatial Resources provides customized solutions to aid productivity and ensure efficiency in the following areas: Aerial/Satellite Imagery, Airborne LIDAR, Close-Range Photogrammetry, Mobile LiDAR, Terrestrial Laser Scanning, LIDAR Software, and Physical Scale-Models from GIS Data. For more information, contact Roland Mangold, Spatial Resources, at 720-934-2482, roland@dielmo.com or visit www.dielmousa.com