AeroMetric Awarded Minnesota IT Statewide Master Contract

Maple Grove, MN, October 8, 2013 – Aero-Metric Inc., A Quantum Spatial company (AeroMetric) has been awarded a Professional and Technical Services Master Contract for the state of Minnesota. The contract, which was issued under the Master Contract Program 902TS, is effective through June 30, 2014 and allows AeroMetric to provide Information Technology (IT) services and staffing to state agencies in MN through a Statement of Work (SOW).
SOWs issued under this contract can be made only between state agencies and approved contractors. Under the contract, AeroMetric has been approved to provide services in the following categories:
• Project Management
• Data Warehouse
• Database – Oracle
• Database Design/ Architect
• Modeling – Data
• Web Applications Specialist – Java/JSP/Servlets
• Web Content Management – Metadata/Data Classification
• Web Design & Development – HTML/ XML/ DHTML CSS Javascript
• Data Administration
• Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
“Being on the list of approved contractors in MN is both advantageous to AeroMetric and to agencies that need IT services,” says AeroMetric’s MN office manager, Miles Strain. “By having the ability to issue SOWs to contractors who hold a master contract, agencies are able to avoid the lengthy and costly process of issuing and evaluating Requests for Proposals (RFPs). They already know that we are qualified to perform services at a fair price. We look forward to pursuing the opportunities this contract will present.”

About Quantum Spatial
Quantum Spatial is a leading professional services firm specializing in spatial data generation, integration, enablement and analytics, serving the needs of clients worldwide. Quantum Spatial’s goal is to improve our client’s operations and decision making in areas such as Natural Resources, Government, Infrastructure, Energy, and Public Safety by utilizing the power of geospatial data and analytics through our unique cloud-based delivery infrastructure. For more information please call 1-855-255-5212 or visit

About AeroMetric
Aero-Metric, Inc., (AeroMetric) is a full-service geospatial solutions company built on over eight decades of consistent, quality service and enduring client relationships. The firm offers a comprehensive range of on target geospatial solutions, from the latest in enterprise GIS on-premise and in the cloud, to professional mapping services including photogrammetric, LiDAR, satellite, and airborne imaging technology. AeroMetric has merged with Photo Science, Inc. and Watershed Sciences, Inc. to form Quantum Spatial. For more information please visit