Senator Grassley Comments on FCC Chairman’s Departure, LightSquared Debacle

Friday, March 22, 2013 – Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa today made the following comment on the announced departure of Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski.

“The FCC’s stonewalling over information on LightSquared was one of the worst instances I’ve seen in 30 years of dealing with federal agencies. It took months of pressure and requests, a hold on two nominees, and the involvement of a House committee for the FCC to begin to share documents on the LightSquared decision. Under Chairman Genachowski’s leadership, the FCC acted like a privileged organization that didn’t have to answer basic questions about its decision-making process. It’s interesting to see outside groups criticizing Chairman Genachowski for failing to complete key priorities. In my experience over LightSquared, the FCC wasted a lot of time playing games to avoid answering my basic questions. The time spent on obfuscation could have been spent on productive activities for consumers and the economy. The next FCC chairman should scrap the mindset of an elite, closed shop and embrace the commission’s status as a public entity, accountable to the public and the legislative branch, especially on matters of basic oversight.”
