Government Committee’s Refusal to Continue LightSquared Testing Highlights Systemic Pattern of Bias and Collusion

PNT EXCOM’s Decision to Support GPS Industry and Halt Testing on High-Precision Devices Undermines Confidence and Highlights Conflict of Interest

Reston, Va., January 13, 2012 – LightSquared is urging the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) to retake the lead on government testing for GPS filtering solutions after a series of actions by federal agencies have demonstrated bias and inappropriate collusion with the private sector as reported by numerous media outlets including Politico, PC World and Reuters.

The request follows a systematic disregard for fairness and transparency by the National Executive Committee (EXCOM) and Advisory Board for the Space-based Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT). The PNT EXCOM is a government panel established to “advise and coordinate federal departments and agencies on matters concerning the global positioning system (GPS) and related systems.” A panel of non-governmental officials known as the PNT Advisory Board provides guidance to the PNT EXCOM. Members of the PNT Advisory Board have deep ties with the same GPS manufacturers who have sold poorly designed equipment to America’s farmers, public safety officials, military and government agencies.

By abandoning its commitment to test filter solutions for high-precision GPS devices, the PNT EXCOM and PNT Advisory Board have put personal and private sector interests ahead of their public responsibilities. The filters in question have been proven in third-party tests to correct the faulty designs of high-precision GPS equipment and eliminate issues related to interference. Government tests are essential to proving the effectiveness of these filters, but could also mean the manufacturers of these devices will be required to replace millions of dollars in faulty equipment.

On Wednesday, LightSquared filed a complaint with the NASA Investigator General’s office regarding conflicts of interest on the PNT Advisory Board. As a director of Trimble, Vice-Chair of the Advisory Board, Dr. Brad Parkinson had a professional duty to his company to protect its market position and its increased shareholder value that directly contradicts his responsibility to provide impartial advice to the government.

Government testing has become unfair and shrouded from the public eye. Under an agreement worked out directly between representatives of Trimble – the same company that has paid for a year-long lobbying campaign against LightSquared’s network – LightSquared was specifically excluded from the testing process. The devices selected as part of the most recent round of testing include numerous obsolete and off-market GPS receivers that nearly guaranteed failure. Power levels used for testing were 32 times that of real-world conditions further stacking the deck in favor of GPS industry interests.

In retrospect, it was highly unlikely that PNT EXCOM, the Advisory Board and the testing they oversaw would ever be able to deliver on their obligation to provide a fair and unbiased assessment.  Its membership simply has too much at stake.

LightSquared today urges the government, under the leadership of the FCC and NTIA to recommit to a fair and transparent process. Test results must be re-evaluated by unbiased officials and engineers. Testing must proceed in cooperation with all parties – LightSquared, government end-users, and GPS manufacturers – to ensure effective and appropriate guidelines are in place.

LightSquared intends to protect its legal rights in order to ensure that fairness, transparency and the rule of law are guiding the testing process.

LightSquared also intends to ensure that the government ultimately delivers on its obligation to provide a fair and transparent process to evaluate the technological solutions to the GPS interference issue. LightSquared has faith that, in the end, a fair process will prove that the technological solutions it has put forward will clear the way for hundreds of millions of Americans to get the wireless broadband competition they crave.

About LightSquared
LightSquared’s mission is to revolutionize the U.S. wireless industry. With the creation of the first-ever, wholesale-only nationwide 4G-LTE network integrated with satellite coverage, LightSquared offers people the speed, value and reliability of universal connectivity, wherever they are in the United States. As a wholesale-only operator, LightSquared will deploy an open 4G wireless broadband network to be used by existing and new service providers to sell their own devices, applications and services—at a competitive cost and without retail competition from LightSquared. The deployment and operation of LightSquared’s network represent more than $14 billion of private investment over the next eight years. For more information about LightSquared, please go to, and
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This release contains forward-looking statements and information regarding LightSquared and its business. Such statements are based on the current expectations and certain assumptions of LightSquared’s management and are, therefore, subject to certain risks and uncertainties. The forward-looking statements expressed herein relate only to information as of the date of this release. LightSquared has no obligation to update these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this release, nor is there any assurance that the plans or strategies discussed in this release will not change.