Test Yourself 82: Three Chords in a Circle

Lindell TestYourself82 Three Chords In A CircleChord PR is on the bisector of chords PT and PS. What is the radius of the circle?.

For the solution to this problem, including two alternate solutions submitted by Ben Remondi, please click HERE. According to Dave, Ben’s alternates are “Very astute, and very complicated!” Good luck!

By way of introduction, Ben Remondi figured heavily in the invention of RTK and his story can be found in the four-part History of RTK series on our website. Search for “History of RTK” (with the quotes)

About the Author

Dave Lindell, PS

Dave Lindell, PS, retired after 36 1/2 years with the City of Los Angeles. He keeps surveying part time to stay busy and keep out of trouble. He can be reached at dllindell@msn.com.