2021 NSPS Student Competition

The 2021 NSPS Student Competition will be held in conjunction with the Spring meetings of the National Society of Professional Surveyors. This year’s competition will not include field exercises in order to accommodate official health and safety advice.

The Competition will begin with an online briefing event on February 16, 2021 with a presentation by NSPS of the purpose of the Annual Student Competition and purpose of this year’s challenge.

The event will not involve person-to-person contact. Therefore, potentially opening the event to teams that may have found raising funds for travel &c. a hinderance to participation.

There will be two separate divisions, one for students matriculated into Associates degree programs and one for students matriculated into Baccalaureate degree programs. The status of a student’s eligibility will be their status on January 1, 2021. Any team made up of students matriculated into both Associates and Baccalaureate degree programs must compete in the Baccalaureate degree division. Graduate students may not be part of a team.

The team must email the registration form to trishm@nsps.us.com or faxed to 240-439-4952, no later than February 26, 2021. There will be no fee to participate.

Teams will provide a final registration form along with their Technical Report.

An entry form can be found HERE