NOAA’s National Geodetic Survey (NGS) is announcing a delay in the release of the modernized National Spatial Reference System (NSRS).
In 2007, NGS began planning for the modernized NSRS, acquiring its first airborne gravimeter, creating and initiating the Gravity for the Redefinition of the American Vertical Datum (GRAV-D) project and by 2008 had codified its modernization plans into a Ten Year Plan. At that time, the target completion date was 2018. By 2013, that date seemed unlikely, due to both the broadening of the GRAV-D project coverage area and the experience of five years of operational planning and execution.
In 2013, NGS revised its 2007 Strategic Plan, and targeted 2022 as the date of the release of the modernized NSRS. This date was reinforced with a 2018 Strategic Plan revision. By 2017, confidence in hitting the 2022 target was high enough to reach final agreement with Canada and Mexico on a naming convention for certain components, to include “2022” in their names.
Since 2017, operational, workforce, and other issues have arisen and compounded, causing NGS to recently re-evaluate whether a successful roll-out by 2022 is possible. The most significant impacts have been in workforce hiring and retention, and in meeting GRAV-D data collection milestones, which underpin the NSRS modernization efforts.
NGS is currently conducting a comprehensive analysis of ongoing projects, programs, and resources required to complete NSRS modernization and will continue to provide regular updates on our progress. To get the latest news on NSRS modernization and track our progress, subscribe to NGS News or visit our “New Datums” web pages.
Here are brief answers to some expected questions:
Q) How long will the delay be?
A) We don’t know. At best, it now looks like the2024–2025 timeframe.
Q) Will the names stay the same?
A) Yes, terms containing “2022” such as“GEOID2022” and “NATRF2022” will remain the same.
Q) How will this affect deadlines, such as forSPCS and GPS on BM data submittals?
A) Those deadlines will not be changed.
Further details, and more answers are available on this FAQ.