The Tennessee Assoc. of Professional Surveyors has presented its 2020 Lifetime Achievement Award to Bart Crattie, a frequent contributor to The American Surveyor. His nomination read thusly:
C. Barton (Bart) Crattie was licensed as a professional land surveyor in both the state of Georgia and Tennessee in 1994 and 1995. He ultimately ended up purchasing Niles Surveying Company in Chattanooga. Not only is Bart a land surveyor, but he also has a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Three Dimensional Design, as well as a certification to teach art in grades K thru 12. Bart has a deep passion for land surveying and especially the history that goes along with it. He has diligently put forth the efforts to ‘retrace the original footsteps’ of many surveyors that have come before us – including historical figures such as Andrew Ellicott. Bart is a man who has dedicated many aspects of his life to the land surveying profession. He has and still writes and submits articles and reports. Bart has an impressive track record of being published for these and his opinion pieces in many different sources including American Surveyor, Point of Beginning, NSPS, the Historical Society of Tennessee, and of course the Tennessee Association of Professional Land Surveyors Quarterly Newsletter. Bart is a person who is always thinking ahead about how to promote the profession of Land Surveying and is a solid and dependable resource to call upon for any question or advice. Bart’s professional conduct throughout his entire career is a stellar example to all of what it means to give back to the profession as a land surveyor.