We are quickly approaching the deadline for comments on the proposed changes to several public Interface Control Documents. Comments on the proposed changes are due to the GPS Directorate by August 10, 2017. If you have not already had an opportunity to do so, the CGSIC encourages you to review the proposed changes and provide input to the Directorate in advance of the Public Interface Control Working Group meeting and open forum on September 6-7, 2017. One of these proposals, PIRN-240A-004, is considering ceasing publication of the daily GPS Operational Advisory (OA). Users of this file are highly encouraged to provide comments. You can also register by August 30, 2017, to attend the public meeting and open forum.
You can find the pertinent documents and the point of contact for the meeting on GPS.gov at the following address: http://www.gps.gov/technical/icwg/meetings/2017/.