NSPS Installs New Officers for 2017

National Society of Professional Surveyors Formally Changes Officers during General Membership Meeting

March 22, 2017 – Silver Spring, MD – The 17,000 strong National Society of Professional Surveyors formally installed its slate of officers for 2017 at its General Membership meeting on March 17, 2017. NSPS Executive Director Curt Sumner delivered the charge, and also asked the members present to vocally express their support to help the new officers in discharging their duties.

The new officers pictured (standing l-r) are Armand Marois (CA) – Director-at-Large, Tony Cavell (LA) – Immediate Past President, Lisa Van Horn (WI) – Vice President, Kim Leavitt (ID) – President-Elect and Jan Fokens (MI) – President. In the background, standing at the podium is Executive Director Sumner.

The National Society of Professional Surveyors is a professional surveyors association open to all professional surveyors and to persons trained, registered, or interested in the profession of surveying and mapping.

Its mission is to establish and further common interests, objectives, and political efforts that would further bind the surveying profession into a unified body in the United States.

Its objectives include advancement of the sciences and disciplines within the profession; enhancing the image of the profession in the eyes of the public through an active public relations program; encourage cooperation between public and private practices; establishing channels of communication with other national and international societies; advance the protection of public welfare as it is related to surveying and mapping issues; encourage high standards of ethical behavior among Professional Surveyors; support new methods of surveying and promote good business practices; monitor national and state laws and regulations; encourage improved higher education in surveying.