Surveys for Gordie Howe Bridge Cited in National Engineering Competition

Cutting-Edge Technology Speeds Pre-Construction Data Collection

Washington, DC (February 23, 2017) – Surveying Solutions, Inc. (SSI), of Standish, Mich., has earned a National Recognition Award for exemplary engineering achievement in the American Council of Engineering Companies’ (ACEC) 50th annual Engineering Excellence Awards (EEA) for providing surveys as part of the Gordie Howe International Bridge in Detroit, Mich.

ACEC is the Washington-D.C.-based business association of the engineering industry representing more than 5,000 independent engineering firms throughout the United States.

SSI collected survey data covering more than 40 miles of roadway to be used in the design and construction of this new international border crossing. To expedite the data-gathering process, SSI utilized Mobile LiDAR to provide a 3D model of the accessible portions of the project. Using vehicles equipped with dual-head scanners and traveling at posted speed limits, surveyors were able to collect 600,000 data points per second.

The use of Mobile LiDAR combined with other data sources allowed information to be delivered ahead of schedule, achieving time and cost efficiencies that would not have been possible had only conventional survey methods been used. In addition to protecting the survey crews, use of Mobile LiDAR had zero impact on the motoring public, and eliminated the need for costly lane closures.

The project is among 162 engineering achievements from throughout the nation and the world being recognized by ACEC as the year’s finest examples of engineering excellence, and eligible for additional top national honors. Judging for the awards program—known industry-wide as the “Academy Awards of the engineering industry”– took place in February, conducted by a national 30-member panel of built environment leaders, along with experts from government, the media and academia. Award criteria focuses on uniqueness and originality, technical innovation, social and economic value, and generating excitement for the engineering profession.

Recognition of all award winners including top commendations— 20 Honor Awards, 16 Grand Awards and the prestigious “Grand Conceptor Award” for the year’s most outstanding overall engineering achievement—will take place at the annual EEA Dinner and Gala, a black-tie event to be held Tuesday, April 25, 2017, at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, D.C.

About ACEC
The American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) is the business association of America’s engineering industry, representing more than 5,000 independent engineering firms and more than 500,000 professionals throughout the United States engaged in the development of America’s transportation, water and energy infrastructure, along with environmental, industrial and other public and private facilities. Founded in 1909 and headquartered in Washington, D.C., ACEC is a national federation of 51 state and regional organizations.