Centennial Celebration for NOAA Corps Planned, Sponsors Needed

Join others and become a sponsor of the Centennial Celebration for the NOAA Commissioned Service, the NOAA Corps. Charting the waters of the United States since 1807, the NOAA Corps became a uniformed service of the United States in 1917. This year celebrates its 100th anniversary – a century of service to the surveying community. To honor the men and women of the NOAA Corps, a descendant of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, a fundraising effort is underway. Join David Evans and Associates, VT Halter Marine, USAA and others as a sponsor of Centennial-related activities that will take place throughout 2017. Contact John Oliver at jonofish2011@yahoo.com. Funding will support nationwide events that will honor and highlight the NOAA Corps and provide support for the Association of Commissioned Officers and NOAA Officers Family Association scholarship programs. An Anniversary – sponsor invited – Dinner will be held in May in Washington, DC. For more information about sponsor benefits visit www.noaacorpscentennial2017.com.