TerraSond Characterizing Offshore Sink Holes and Gas Seeps

Houston, Texas – April 14, 2016 – TerraSond has been awarded a contract to map offshore sinkholes and identify potential gas seeps. The data collected in conjunction with near surface seismic provides information for the impact assessment of sinkholes on the water supply of South Florida. Using a unique underwater mass spectrometer for in-situ chemical analysis eliminates the traditional issues of handling, transportation, storage and analysis of samples typically performed in a laboratory. An Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) will support the sea floor mapping and seep detection. The AUV is the ideal platform given the depths and currents at this location.

“We are pleased to provide this technically innovative solution to help characterize South Florida’s water supply; we enjoy the challenges of introducing new technologies,” says Scott Cholmondeley, General Manager of TerraSond’s Gulf of Mexico region.

About TerraSond
TerraSond is a private U.S. company whose services are sought globally by clients in the oil and gas, pipeline, power, telecom, renewable energy, mining, shipping, dredging, construction, and engineering sectors as well as U.S. federal, state, local and foreign government agencies. TerraSond has offices in Seattle, Washington, Palmer, Alaska, Houston and Corpus Christi, Texas, as well as overseas offices in Mexico and Equatorial Guinea.