Golden Software Releases Free Online File Converter

Golden, Colorado, – October 7, 2015 – Golden Software, the leading developer of affordable scientific graphics software, announces the release of a free online file converter.

File format incompatibility is an all-too-common occurrence in any industry. This new file converter is specifically designed to address that problem for users in the geoscience industries. Operating in an easy-to-access web browser environment, the file converter allows quick and secure conversion of image, vector, and grid files to numerous other file types. Conversion formats include, but are not limited to SHP to BLN (for blanking in Surfer), DXF to KML (for display in Google Earth), or DEM to DAT (for visualizing x,y,z values of grid nodes).

Users can upload multiple files at once via drag and drop or by navigating to the appropriate file location. The file type to be exported is specified for each uploaded file. Additionally, export parameters (including image dimensions and color depth) for each file can be adjusted. Users are able to see the progress of their conversions, and upon completion, converted files can be downloaded individually or all at once to a zipped folder.

Visit to begin converting your files.

About Golden Software:
Founded in 1983, Golden Software is a leading developer of affordable scientific graphics software. Its customer base includes over 100,000 users involved in oil and gas exploration, mining, geosciences, engineering, business, education, and government in 185 countries and territories. Golden Software offers six standalone products: Surfer® for gridding, contouring and 3D surface mapping; GrapherTM for 2D and 3D graphing; Voxler® for 3D data visualization; MapViewerTM for thematic mapping and spatial analysis; Strater® for well log, borehole and cross section plotting; and Didger® for digitizing and coordinate conversion. For additional information, visit or call 303-279-1021