Test Yourself: A Horizontal and Vertical Curve

A 299Kb PDF of this article as it appeared in the magazine—complete with sketch—is available by clicking HERE

For the horizontal circular curve shown, Delta is 52°52’37" and the Radius is 3738.39 feet and the direction from the PC to the PI is N49°18’07"W. The PT Station is 98+05.12 and its coordinates are 6234.98 North, 9339.93 East (feet). At Station 49+43.11 is the BVC for a vertical curve whose "entering" grade is +2.765% and whose "exit" grade is -1.893%. The vertical curve length is 4000.00 feet. The BVC elevation is 421.67 feet. Compute the coordinates and elevation for Station 77+69.18. Compute the station and elevation for the high point on the curve.

The answer can be found HERE

Dr. Richard Elgin is semiretired, working parttime for ArcherElgin Surveying and Engineering, LLC in Rolla, Missouri. He also is an Adjunct Professor of Civil Engineering at Missouri University of Science and Technology. Dick is a practitioner, professor, researcher and author.

A 299Kb PDF of this article as it appeared in the magazine—complete with sketch—is available by clicking HERE