Speakers for CyArk 500 Annual Summit Announced

We are now only 3 months away from the CyArk 500 Annual Summit and excited to share a preview of this year’s Topics, Speakers and Program! 

The Summit will be held in Berlin, Germany from October 20-21. 

The world has experienced a tremendous loss in the past months with the intentional destruction of the cultural heritage of several countries in the Middle East and Saharan Africa, most notably in Iraq and Syria. In light of these events, CyArk has selected Resilience through Innovation as the theme of this year’s conference.

In keeping with this timely theme, they have selected three key areas of discussion:
• Heritage At Risk: The risks facing heritage and the traditional response including political diplomacy, physical conservation, artifact recovery, site survey, and training.
• Rethinking Preservation: Using emerging methods and technologies to respond to heritage at risk, during, before, and after loss and destruction.
• Technology Innovation: Developing new technologies to digitally capture and experience the world.

A list of speakers can be found here. 

Readers of this publication may also be interested to learn that they can receive free admission to the conference by donating data to the CyArk archive. All who donate will receive a free ticket and invitation to a Data Donation Partners’ Event.

Those who donate before September 1 are also eligible to win a ticket to the exclusive VIP Dinner, a booth to showcase their work to potential partners and customers, and other prizes. 

Donating Data from past project is a great (and easy!) way to contribute to heritage preservation and bring publicity to your work and a favorite site. Consider sharing one of your favorites with the world by partnering with CyArk!

To learn more, click or email makenna.murray@cyark.org. 

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