Orbit GT Releases Mobile Mapping Content Manager v1.1

Lokeren, Belgium, July 10th, 2015 – Orbit GT releases its data collection flagship product Content Manager v11.1 for Mobile Mapping.

“The Orbit Mobile Mapping Content Manager is up to its v11.1 release”, says Peter Bonne, CEO of Orbit GT. “This tool is indispansable for all mobile mapping data collection operations throughout the globe and solves many day-to-day worrysome challenges in this business.”

The Orbit MM Content Manager fills a gap in the data collection and production workflow for Mobile Mappers. Supporting all hardware vendors, system operators use this software to speed up their work and have beter control over their projects. The Content Manager includes valuable tools such as a Catalog, Point Cloud Cleaning tools, trajectory Adjustment, Ground Control QC tools, data optimization and consolidation, and an all-new Delivery capability.
About Orbit GeoSpatial Technologies
Orbit Geospatial Technologies is world leader in solutions for exploiting Mobile Mapping, UAS and Aerial Mapping data in managing, viewing, extracting, publishing, sharing and embedding in workflows. Orbit GT is headquartered in Lokeren, Belgium.