Orbit GT Releases Oblique Desktop Portfolio v11.1

Lokeren, Belgium, June 22th, 2015 – Orbit GT is proud to announce the availability of the new version 11.1 of the Oblique desktop Portfolio.

The Oblique desktop portfolio includes 3 editions:
• Oblique Basic allows everyone to import oblique data, use advanced navigation and viewing, integrate DEM/DTM/DSM, overlay vector data, and perform a variety of powerful measurments.
• Oblique Feature Extraction adds the capability to save measurements as new objects in freely definable GIS layers, allowing tuned attribuation and export.
• Oblique Explorer is the view-only version of the Basic product.

“This 11.1 release introduces 3 new products offering our customers more options to exploit oblique imagery to the fullest”, says Peter Bonne, CEO of Orbit GT. “Especially the Feature Extraction edition finally brings easy measure-to-database tools to everyone. We’ve also extended our support for various camera systems extensively, making our portfolio to most versatile on the market today.”

The Oblique portfolio is immediately available for download.
About Orbit GeoSpatial Technologies
Orbit Geospatial Technologies is world leader in solutions for exploiting Mobile Mapping, UAS and Aerial Mapping data in managing, viewing, extracting, publishing, sharing and embedding in workflows. Orbit GT is headquartered in Lokeren, Belgium.