Orbit GT to Showcase Mobile Mapping Publisher v11.1 at SPAR, Houston

Lokeren, Belgium, March 26th, 2015 – Orbit GeoSpatial Technologies today announces to showcase the Mobile Mapping Publisher version 11.1 at SPAR, Houston.

“It’s a small update in version number, but a big update in capabilities “, says Peter Bonne, CEO of Orbit GT. “At SPAR 2015 in Houston, we look forward to showcase a couple of great new capabilities that empower thousands of users of Mobile Mapping content to achieve more with less effort than ever before.”

Version 11.1 includes improved styling capabilities, automated logins for in-premises installations, support for trajectory coverages, and custom support for WMS and WFS services. Public use can now include problem feedback, and users can be provided with tools to save measurements and export the results in a GIS layer.

Join us at booth 220 for a full live demo!
About Orbit GeoSpatial Technologies
Orbit Geospatial Technologies is world leader in solutions for exploiting Mobile Mapping, UAS and Aerial Mapping data in managing, viewing, extracting, publishing, sharing and embedding in workflows. Orbit GT is headquartered in Lokeren, Belgium.