CycloMedia Launches New Version of GlobeSpotter

Zaltbommel, The Netherlands – June 27, 2014 – CycloMedia Technology, a leading provider of large scale street-view images and software, announced yesterday a new release of GlobeSpotter, version 2.9. This release delivers a new improved interface and Smart Click Measuring functionality.

Redesigned user interface
Following a GlobeSpotter user survey, a large number of changes were implemented to the user interface. Some key features of the update include improvements to the main screen. Text and buttons were reduced to make the application faster and simpler to use, and an option to store settings online was added to maintain consistency in appearance for users, regardless of where they open the application.

Smart Click Measuring
Cycloramas have excellent metric quality that makes it possible to take measurements and determine the 3D coordinates (X, Y and Z) for an object from multiple street-level views. CycloMedia’s unique "Smart Click" feature enables users to do this automatically with one click.

GlobeSpotter 2.9 automatically locates better intersections, lowering the standard deviation values, which will in turn increase the accuracy and reliability of the measurement.
About CycloMedia
CycloMedia has more than 30 years specializing in systematic and large-scale imaging of public spaces. Our recording system captures large areas daily and provides accurate 360-degree street level panoramas. Our professional users can access our street-level imagery database from anywhere and anytime directly from the Internet. CycloMedia’s recording system guarantees quality pictures with geometric precision, making them a valuable source of information for applications in asset management, transportation and property assessment. CycloMedia’s technology and large partner network enables us to offer our clients cost effective and efficient global application-oriented solutions.