Calabi Yau Systems Announce Release of LD3 Studio 6.0 Software Suite

Calabi Yau Systems is pleased to announce the release of its LD3 Studio 6.0 Software Suite. Calabi Yau Systems was formerly known as InteliSum, Inc. which was acquired by K’nowbe LLC, in June of 2012 and spun out as a separate company at that time. The LD3 Studio Suite has been enhanced with a complete set of solid modeling tools for rapidly creating 3D as-built models from laser scan data.
LD3 Studio is based on a foundation platform for the aggregation of 3D content throughout the life of an asset. Optional tool modules are available which provide for the functional needs of various disciplines within the design, construction, maintenance and asset management sectors of the AEC market. The LD3 Studio Suite supports the creation and maintenance of both “greenfield” (new) and “brownfield” (renovation) as-built models. It supports the usefulness of such models in a virtual plant setting for the life cycle needs of capital assets.
The LD3 Foundation Platform is a content management platform to combine the use of 3D laser scan data, 3D models and 3rd party 2D and 3D content. The foundation platform manages a wide range of 3D content. This includes content generated by optional LD3 modules and imported from other software products. Content can include scan data sets, 3D models, survey data, engineering and manufacturing drawings, specifications, documents and content generated from LD3 optional modules.

The foundation supports the import of both raw and registered scan data sets. In the case of raw scan data, the foundation contains all the tools required to register scans. Upon import of scan data, a polygonal mesh is automatically created. Once imported, a base working resolution can be set to thin scan data content as required for a project.

Mesh rendering occurs automatically from the RGB and intensity information inherent within the scan data. Optionally, high resolution spherical imagery can be imported and fused to a decimated polygonal mesh. The combination of high resolution, spherical imagery with a decimated polygonal mesh relieves the system from the burden of scan resolution overkill. This option is very useful for many uses, including virtual survey. This feature provides the benefit of high visual acuity, with just enough mesh geometry to support highly accurate surveys.

The foundation serves as the substrate for the content creation modules, LD3 Modeler, LD3 Desktop Survey, LD3 Virtual Plant for O&M, and the LD3 Online Manufacturers Part Catalog. The foundation supports an enterprise database. This facilitates the collection and organization of all 3D related content for an entire enterprise. Content for both new (Greenfield) and renovation (Brownfield) projects is organized and served up during planning, execution, and delivery of projects to the downstream needs of operation and maintenance.

The LD3 Desktop Survey Module is an optional module to the LD3 Foundation Platform. It provides all the functions for a surveyor to collect survey information virtually from a rendered mesh scan data set. Raw or registered scan data is imported from 3rd party high precision laser scan instruments. A surveyor conducts surveys with a virtual data collector in the same way survey data is collected in the field.

The LD3 Modeler Module includes a set of tools for creating 3D models during a project’s life cycle. This rich and robust tool set supports the creation of models used for conceptual design, detailed design, traditional as-builts, or fully provisioned as-builts for O&M. The modeling tools are used to create 3D models from scan data and to verify externally generated 3D models within the context of scan data. The module includes a set of piping and structural steel tools, alignment tools, and clash detection tools. It also supports the use of pre-defined part models from a user expandable model library. In addition, fully developed part models can be accessed from the LD3 Manufactures Part Catalog.

The LD3 Online Manufacturers Part Catalog is an online subscription that includes industry standard part specifications, 3D models, manufacturer specification and documentation. Desired parts are quickly found and downloaded to a user’s local part catalog. The downloaded parts can then be inserted on the fly during the 3D modeling process. Part models used from this catalog contain full provisioning information to support the downstream processes of design, engineering, build, construction and O&M.

The LD3 Virtual Plant for O&M Module provides a rich feature set to maintain fully provisioned as-builts in parallel and with synchronicity as change take place in the physical plant. Replacements, updates, and renovations can be planned, designed, implemented and cut in to the virtual plant at the appropriate times in order to keep the virtual plant in sync with the physical plant.

For further information:
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Call: 801-917-2154 or 801-550-6046.
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