MAVinci SIRIUS PRO: 5 cm Accuracy, No Ground Control Points

We are proud to present our new product line SIRIUS PRO at Intergeo 2013.

Placing GCPs and measuring them adds a significant amount of extra time and cost to your project. The time dealing with GCPs can be more than 50% of the whole project time. We have also seen jobs where the area cannot be accessed easily or not at all. Without enough GCPs it was hard to match the accuracy requirements set by your customer – rendering projects uneconomical. It felt natural for us to remove the need for GCPs from your workflow.

How does it work?
Imagine you add 1000 GCPs to a project – uniformly distributed over the complete area. You determine their position and elevation within a few centimeters and add them to post-processing. Averaging over one thousand centimeter-accurate points will give you amazing results. We are placing those one thousand points in the air – so you do not have to place them on the ground. Combining MAVinci‘s precision timing technology with TOPCON‘s sub-centimeter grade receivers allows us to measure the camera position of each image so precisely that they can serve a similar function as GCPs. The MAVinci Connector acts as an RTK base station and transmits corrections to the UAV in real time. It‘s that easy!

Outstanding features of the new SIRIUS PRO:
• Save time and work more efficiently
• Get high accuracy in areas that cannot be accessed
• MAVinci Connector acts as an RTK base station
• 100 Hz TOPCON sub-centimeter grade receiver
• L1/L2 dual frequency
• Fully integrated RTK

Please find more information on our webpage: