Electric Utilities Benefit From Line Design Software on the Cloud

GSI Designer Software Released on SaaS to Simplify Line Design Process

Austin, Texas – Sept. 3, 2013 – GeoSpatial Innovations, Inc. (GSI) announced today that it released a cloud-based line design software tool for electric utility companies, GSI Designer, supporting seamless data collection and integration, while limiting time and costs.

GSI Designer addresses the challenges of manual line design using GPS technologies on rugged mobile hardware to maintain and extend overhead and underground electric lines. It is altering traditional steps, such as tape measurements, fighting through difficult environments and dual entry of collected data.

"Implementing GSI Designer on the cloud cuts out many of the manual steps utility companies have to take in the line design process," Carl Livingood, President of GSI, says. "The transition from paper to digital is important for our industry to embrace in order to remain profitable and efficiently improve services for our customers."

This “Software as a Service” model is trending in the utility industry and offers scalable, affordable solutions for data collection and storage. “It alleviates back-end server maintenance and IT resources,” Michael Hamsa, Chief Technology Officer of GSI, says. “This allows smaller utilities to take advantage of high-end software solutions that will save them money in the long-run.”

About GeoSpatial Innovations, Inc.
GeoSpatial Innovations, Inc. delivers innovative paperless field data software to electric and natural gas utility companies throughout North America since 1999. Our vision is to become a leader in delivering software to power distribution companies across United States and Canada. For more information, contact Natalie Koster at 512-349-2400 ext. 105 or visit our website, www.gsiworks.com.