Orbit GT releases Mobile Mapping Explorer 10.5

Lokeren, Belgium, July 3rd, 2013 – Orbit GeoSpatial Technologies is pleased to announce the release a new product “Mobile Mapping Explorer” within the upcoming 10.5 version of its Mobile Mapping portfolio.

“Orbit’s Mobile Mapping Explorer is a new product in our broad portfolio aiming to open up the use of complex Mobile Mapping content to the many“, says Peter Bonne, VP Business Development and Senior Product Manager at Orbit GT. “The Orbit Mobile Mapping Explorer provides all data producers and service providers to cross the bridge and finally deliver any kind of mobile mapping content to their customers. Dynamic, adaptable and system independent, this great new product is a part of our 10.5 release, allowing to reach an unprecedented amount of users. It will dramatically change business opportunities and improve customer relationships.”

About Orbit GeoSpatial Technologies
Orbit Geospatial Technologies is world leader in solutions for exploiting Mobile Mapping data in managing, viewing, extraction, publishing and embedding in workflows. Orbit GT is located in Lokeren, Belgium.