DotProduct Donates Five phi.3D Licenses to CyArk

Software enables tablet-based 3D data capture for digital heritage preservation

Houston, TX, June 25, 2013 — DotProduct CEO Brian Ahern announced it has donated five licenses its phi.3D software used for tablet-based 3D data capture to CyArk, an Oakland, California-based non-profit with the mission of digitally preserving heritage sites. Ahern says the field-ready phi.3D solution will allow CyArk to use low-cost, off-the-shelf hardware for field capture of 3D heritage data. According to Ahern, “phi.3D’s real time registration, instantaneous quality feedback and tablet-based architecture produces industry standard, color point cloud files at a fraction of the cost of tripod-based solutions. We’re thrilled that CyArk will be able to use our technology to digitally preserve heritage sites.” CyArk director of operations Liz Lee says “we  are excited to use the DotProduct solution to augment our existing laser scanning and photogrammetry capture methods and provide lower cost capture options to the heritage field.”
About DotProduct
Founded in 2012 by Rafael Spring and Mark Klusza, DotProduct LLC is a software company delivering real time, registered-on-the-fly 3D capture solutions built on tablet architectures and off-the-the shelf RGB-D sensors.

About CyArk
CyArk is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to digitally preserve cultural heritage sites through collecting, archiving and providing open access to data created by laser scanning, digital modeling, and other state-of-the-art technologies.