GLIS and URISA Debut New GIS & Surveying Workshop at Pennsylvania GIS Conference

State College, PA – June 3, 2013 – Peter Borbas (a surveyor) and Peirce Eichelberger (a GISer) have developed a new workshop for 2013: GIS and Surveying—A Conversation. Peter and Peirce have developed this workshop based on a format Peirce used back in the 1980’s with Stephen Kinzy (now with esri). Virtually every slide and example had Peter and Peirce doing both perspectives in a point and counter point format. The goal of the workshop was to give GIS folks a much greater appreciation for the surveyor’s role in GIS and to give surveyors a broader perspective of all things GIS. Over 60 people attended the workshop with a great mix of surveyor types and GIS folks together. The back and forth between Peter and Peirce also led to much participation and engagement from the attendees throughout the entire day.

The reviews for the new workshop were excellent. At the end of the workshop the attendees were asked for any “take aways” from the one-day session. They are included below.

The workshop will be delivered again at GIS Pro this September in Providence, RI. For more information contact Keri Brennan (URISA) Keri Brennan or Peirce Eichelberger (610) 489-0353 for more information.

A workshop that is very timely and has been a decade in the making. A workshop not to be missed. Stay tuned to URISA and GLIS for more details. The workshop is available for national and state venues, great content for both communities.
Take Aways From the Attendees
"I had no idea that we need to be aware of tectonic shifts…"

"Situs addresses as important key–new concept to me"

"Really appreciate the legal concepts beneath a legal description now"

"Appreciate now the role of surveying/surveyors in GIS"

"Datums galore to pay attention to"

"I understand the CAD/GIS lifecycle much better now"

What does GIS stand for? "GIS–Get It Somewhere!" "Girls in Slavery" most chuckles…….

"Changing coordinates due to datum changes opened my eyes"

"More respect for surveys now"

"Our undocumented ROW’s are really a mess"

"Wow magnetic north is constantly moving around"

"I have a much better understanding of monuments now"

"SPC’s with legal submissions something we need to do now"

"Metadata for anything from CAD"

"More to do with metadata across the board"

"Really liked :Peirce’s Law pie charts on common and unique data"

"Standards to better share data"

"Little details greatest impact"

"Really liked idea of comment/post-it note tables with virtually everything"

"Appreciation for time slice and historic map/record views"