Lyme Disease Awareness Month: Tips to Protect Yourself & Employees from Ticks

May is Lyme Disease Awareness month and a good time to re-visit methods of protection to keep yourself and outdoor employees protected from ticks in the coming summer months.

40,000 cases of lyme disease are documented in the US alone every year and health experts are predicting 2013 to be another bad year. In fact, researchers have already discovered another disease caused by the same tick that spreads Lyme disease – the deer tick. More:

Here are some helpful tick-prevention strategies to keep you and your outdoor workers protected this summer:

1.) Where Ticks Like To Live: Ticks are not out in the middle of your lawn, they live where yards border wooded areas, or anywhere it is shaded and there are leaves with high humidity. Place a layer of wood chips between your grass yard and the woods edge. Ticks are attracted to the wood chips because of the shade and moisture it provides.

2.) Tick Checks: Do periodic tick checks and carefully remove any found. (Wear light colored clothing so ticks are easier to find.)

3.) Outdoors: Try to remain in the center of a trail in order to minimize your exposure. Remember – ticks cannot fly, they crawl up. Avoid sitting directly on the ground, woodpiles or fallen logs – areas where ticks love to live.

4.) Personal Protection: Wear tick repellent clothing. Insect Shield repellent work wear is EPA registered to repel ticks (as well as a variety of other pesky and potentially dangerous insects.) The repellency is odorless, invisible and long-lasting.

Insect Shield’s EPA-registered technology converts clothing and gear into effective and convenient insect protection. The repellency is long-lasting and appropriate for use by the entire family with no restrictions for use.

Quick Facts:
• Repellency is in the clothing and gear – not on your skin
• Lasts through 70 launderings
• EPA-registered
• No restrictions for use
• Appropriate for the entire family
• No need to re-apply
• Repels mosquitoes, ticks, ants, flies, chigger and midges including those that can cause Lyme disease, malaria and other dangerous insect-borne diseases

Video – How Insect Shield Work Wear Works

Incidence of tick attachments reduced by 93 percent among workers wearing Insect Shield® Repellent Apparel

Insect Shield protective work wear:
