Gexcel Srl Advisory Board Attending ILMF in Denver

8 February, 2013, Brescia, Italy- Gexcel Srl will be represented at the International Lidar Mapping Forum in Denver from 11-13 February by Advisory Board member Mr. Brent W.Gelhar.

Well known for his many years of involvement in the lidar hardware and software industry, Mr. Gelhar provides strategic insight and technical advice into the direction of the market. He will be available throughout the conference to meet and answer any questions related to the Gexcel line of advanced analysis products JRC 3D Reconstructor® and cloud streaming software gexcel R3Xtream along with the dedicated solutions packages. Feel free to arrange to meet and spend some time, he can be contacted at and via mobile phone at +1 416 671 5871.

About Gexcel Srl
Gexcel Srl has a rich history spanning more than 10 years of proven fully featured lidar and imagery analysis software packages with the JRC 3D Reconstructor®, completely compatible with all terrestrial, mobile and airborne scanners from manufacturers such as Faro, Leica, MDL, Optech, Riegl, Topcon, Trimble and Z+F. Gexcel  Srl is a spin off company of the University of Brescia, established in 2007 from the academic know-how of the University and the applied research achievements of the European Joint Research Centre (JRC), located in Ispra (Italy). Gexcel Srl is proud to support all major standard formats such as the ASTM E57 and LAS.

For more information contact:
Gexcel Srl
Via Branze 45
I-25123 Brescia, Italy
Tel: +39 030 65 95 001