Table of Contents – The American Surveyor – Vol.10, No.2 2013

Editorial: The Winds of Change
The editor discusses the state of surveying, new columns, and more.
By Marc Cheves, PS
Where is Chena?
The century-old footsteps of a surveyor allowed a platting officer to assimilate poorly-registered old maps into a modern GIS.
By Martin Gutoski, PS
The Surveyor & the Tree—Part One
This comprehensive review of tree law discusses how trees affect boundaries, and line or corner trees.
By C. Barton Crattie, LS, CFM
The Vérendrye Plate
Unearthed in 1913, a mysterious lead plate yielded evidence of explorers prior to Lewis and Clark.
By Jerry Penry, PS
Einstein on Surveying—The Seasoned Surveyor’s Lament
Reflections on the profession include concerns about how the BLM establishes PLSS corners,
By Chad R. Erickson, PS
The Curt Brown Chronicles: Curtis M. Brown, Land Surveyor
In this new column, the wisdom of a boundary expert lives on.
By Michael J. Pallamary, PS
Footsteps: Limitations and Benefits of Court Case Review
The author explains why and how he reviews court cases.
By Landon Blake, PS
Vantage Point: Zoning: Taking Sides
A development project that was victimized by local politics is examined.
By Wendy Lathrop, PS, CFM
Conference Review: Trimble Dimensions—All Steak, No Sizzle
The editor of LiDAR Magazine discovers that Trimble has a lot of steak to sell.
By Gene Roe, PS, PE, PhD
Angle Points: Who Are You?
In this inaugural column, the re-definition of our profession is discussed.
By Michael J. Pallamary, PS