Richmond Speeds Response to Highways Maintenance with Yotta DCL

Leamington Spa, UK, 06 December 2012 – The London Borough of Richmond upon Thames has appointed Yotta DCL to advance the management of its highways. Yotta DCL will perform detailed visual inspections (DVI) by accredited surveyors on over 300 km of unclassified roads (and 600+ km of footways) and will manage data services off-site for Richmond’s MARCHpms pavement management system and geographic information system (GIS). The strategic partnership is enabling the development of the Borough’s five-year forward plan for managing its highway assets.
"We have a strong relationship with Yotta DCL. I have worked with the company’s staff for about 10 years and they have a thorough understanding of the London Borough of Richmond. We are confident in the high level of support the Yotta DCL team provides for our highway asset management," says Ansar Hanif, Network Manager at the London Borough of Richmond.
"Because Yotta DCL is familiar with our network, the team can anticipate potential problems and address them. Also, our MARCHpms operates as a standalone system and we rely on Yotta DCL to manage it, as we do not have the resources on site to do so. This is a very important service for us as the amount of data we are collecting is extensive, in particular with the introduction of machine-based condition surveys [SCANNER]," he adds.
By outsourcing the pavement management system to Yotta DCL, Richmond is able to respond quickly to calls for reports. Some of these are the standard National Indicator (NI) and Whole of Government Accounts (WGA) reports the Borough requires, while others are custom reports for assisting with Councillors’ and residents queries.
"Richmond is unique in its approach to asset management. Our Councillors are very interested in how we are managing and maintaining the network. With Yotta DCL supporting us in developing a very user-friendly asset management plan, we are able to answer their questions in detail and explain to them how we are responding to their comments. We are also able to map the network and use red, amber and green to colour coding for the various road surface conditions. The maps also provide a visual year-on-year view of how we are progressing with treatment," says Ansar Hanif.
About Yotta DCL
Yotta DCL is at the forefront of highway technology and services. The company’s surveyors cover hundreds of miles of roads collecting all types of data every day to help transform highway surveys into solutions with real benefits. Its broad experience working with local authorities enables Yotta DCL to provide a range of survey solutions for councils to efficiently manage and maintain their highway assets. Surveys from Yotta DCL include Coarse Visual Inspections (CVI), Detailed Visual Inspections (DVI), machine scanning using its high tech Scanner vehicles and asset inventory surveys. It also develops and supports a wide range of software such as MARCHpms the industry renowned and respected pavement management system, Nano the user friendly asset management software and NotiVia, its new data capture tool. Yotta DCL’s consultancy services team offers bespoke and scheduled training seminars, UKPMS expertise and data analysis to customers of all pavement management systems. Customers include the Welsh Assembly Government, Southampton City Council, Nottingham City Council, Hampshire County council and Northumberland City Council. Yotta DCL is part of the OMG plc group of companies. Founded in 1984, OMG is a successful British technology company and is listed on the London Stock Exchange. OMG is one of the world’s leading suppliers of image understanding systems, with customers all over the world.