Blom to Map and Monitor Coastal Stretches in France

Blom’s Italian-French subsidiary has signed a contract with the Finistère Department and the Provence-Alpes-Côtes d’Azur Region to map and monitor stretches of the Atlantic and Mediterranean coastline in France. 

The project aims to produce a seamless digital terrain model, or DTM, of the French coastline. Blom will use bathymetric and topographic laser scanners to collect accurate data simultaneously from both land and seabed terrain, delivering the response that 21st century decision makers need.

The contract is in the scope of the Litto3D project. Litto3D®, a SHOM (Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service of the Navy) and IGN (National Geographic Institute) programme, aims to produce a seamless digital terrain model of the entire French coast, covering more than 5,500 km in length, and will feature at the core of all integrated coastal management projects.

Litto3D® is required for a large number of usage areas, such as for flood risk prevention, pollution, safety at sea or natural disasters, and for regional development of for example ports, tourism and industry. Other examples to usage areas are for public maritime delimitation, change of coastline due to erosion, fauna and flora protection, mineral and living resources concerns, research and scientific studies and military needs such as inshore patrol, search and rescue, amphibious operation and mine warfare.

About Blom
The Blom Group is the largest provider of geospatial services in Europe for both government agencies and private commercial organizations and companies. Blom owns exclusive spatial databases composed of maps, images and 3D models. Focused on online services, Blom provides data and solutions to its customers in many markets and allows its partners to create high added-value applications based on Blom data models and services. This strategy is backed by Blom’s major technical capacity in aircrafts, cameras, laser scanners and mapping systems. This makes it possible for all projects to be carried out within the company, assuring a high quality product is delivered both on-time and to budget. Blom has more than 900 employees and offices in 13 countries and its HQ is located in Oslo, Norway. Blom is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange (ticker BLO). For more information, visit The demand of advanced and high quality geographical information is steadily growing from year to year. BLOM holds a strong position in the digital geodata market and aims to be the most innovative service provider and preferred choice for its customers.”