AeroMetric Honored with Grand Award for Navajo Housing Authority Project

Sheboygan, Wisconsin, November 12, 2012 – For the second year in a row, AeroMetric has been honored with the MAPPS Geospatial Services Excellence Grand Award for its project entitled, "Creating an On Target Geospatial Foundation for the Navajo Housing Authority."

Marvin Miller, senior vice president, who accepted the award on behalf of AeroMetric, said, “This project showcases how private enterprise can effectively deliver very large and complex solutions through innovation and efficient allocation of resources. There were several major challenges associated with this project: dealing with the complexity of five state plane coordinate systems and two UTM zones, coordinating image acquisition over a vast area in a very short time frame, and addressing the rugged terrain and the unforgiving variations of reflectivity in the desert surface.”

Miller went on to describe the way AeroMetric creatively solved the multiple challenges presented. “Our team developed a solution based on a custom map projection, created specifically for the Navajo Housing Authority, setting 73 control monuments across the rugged 19.2 million-acre area. We utilized five aircraft systematically coordinated to cover the project area in record time. The required accuracy for the digital elevation model and tone matching prompted our technical staff to develop an innovative process utilizing best-in-class tools and systematic quality control. The entire AeroMetric team was superb in planning, developing and delivering this project, and they can be justly proud that their work has been recognized by this prestigious award.”

Ted Stanton, administrator of the Navajo Housing Authority project for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, said,

“The services AeroMetric provided for the Navajo Housing Authority project reflect well on the value that AeroMetric and the geospatial profession bring to the development and economic growth of our nation. The NHA specific map projection, detailed digital elevation data and four-band orthoimagery provide a comprehensive digital land base for the Authority’s new land information system.”

"AeroMetric’s project for developing a geospatial land base for the Navajo Housing Authority was truly an exemplary project in the judges’ estimation," said Robert "Bob" Burtch PS, CP, Professor Emeritus, Ferris State University, Big Rapids, Michigan, chairman of the judges’ panel. "Not only did this project deliver a tool to help the Navajo Nation improve the delivery of its public services, it also provides a model for how other public sector entities can partner with the geospatial profession to cost-effectively deliver very large, complex projects."

MAPPS Executive Director John Palatiello, said "The awards highlight AeroMetric’s ability to work with clients to provide solutions that are within budget, and have long lasting societal benefits."

AeroMetric’s resources were augmented by the valuable contributions provided by team members, Towill, Surdex and Aerial Surveys International. The awards were presented at the MAPPS/ASPRS Joint Specialty Conference at the Marriott Waterside Hotel in Tampa. Florida.

About Aero-Metric
Aero-Metric, Inc. (AeroMetric) is a full-service geospatial solutions company built on over eight decades of consistent, quality service and enduring client relationships. The firm offers a comprehensive range of on-target geospatial solutions including the latest in photogrammetric, lidar, satellite and airborne imaging technology, earning a reputation for technical excellence, superior service, and on-time, on-budget delivery. For more information please call 1-800-558-6707 or visit www.aerometric.

Formed in 1982, MAPPS is the only national association exclusively comprised of private firms in the remote sensing, spatial data and geographic information systems field in the United States. The MAPPS membership spans the entire spectrum of the geospatial community, including member firms engaged in satellite and airborne remote sensing, surveying, photogrammetry, aerial photography, LiDAR, hydrography, bathymetry, charting, aerial and satellite image processing, GPS, and GIS data collection and conversion services. MAPPS also includes associate member firms, which are companies that provide hardware, software, products and services to the geospatial profession in the United States and other firms from around the world. Independent Consultant Members are sole proprietors engaged in consulting in or to the geospatial profession, or provides a consulting service of interest to the geospatial profession. MAPPS provides its 160+ member firms opportunities for networking and developing business-to-business relationships, information sharing, education, public policy advocacy, market growth, and professional development and image enhancement. For more information on MAPPS, please visit