Softree Announces Alignment Optimization Tools

Softree, in association with the University of British Columbia, has developed a new software technology, RoadEng® – Optimal, to determine the optimal alignment for corridor based infrastructure projects (roads, railways, pipelines, channels, etc.). This new technology has been in development for more than 3 years. The first version of the software (available later this Fall) will automatically determine the lowest cost vertical alignment based on design speed, cross section configuration, and horizontal alignment. It will account for excavation, grading and material movement costs.
Unlike previous attempts at alignment optimization, this new technology produces a true optimal solution (not heuristic) and will accommodate detailed design conditions. These features allow it to be applied at any stage of the design process. RoadEng-Optimal can also be used to evaluate existing designs. Softree has filed a US Provisional Patent.
According to Dr. Guigue, company research engineer, "We are very excited about Roadeng – Optimal. Our preliminary test results are very positive. We think this new technology will save our customers significant engineering and construction costs".

Softree will be presenting this new technology at the TAC (Transportation Association of Canada) conference in Fredericton, New Brunswick October 15th 2012.
For further information contact:
Softree Technical Systems Inc.
#204 1075 West 1st Street
North Vancouver
B.C. Canada
phone: 604-519-6222