RoadEng Version 6 Released

Sept. 15, 2012 – Softree Technical Systems Inc. of North Vancouver B.C. announced today the release of RoadEng Version 6, their terrain modeling and civil engineering software.
Version 6 includes a long list of new and improved features, the most notable include:
• Speed improvements.
• Improved LIDAR modeling and display.
• Fixed Cross Section Editor.
• Improved support for DGN, GPX, GML,DWG/DXF, ArcView Grid, LAS LiDAR, LandXML and HEC/RAS files.
• Improved template functionality.
• Enhanced on-line libraries and resources.
• Real-time – 3D display enhancements and cursor tracking.
• Improved support for converting between map coorinate systems and projections.
• Grading and pad design enhancements.
RoadEng is available either as a standalone product or as an add-on to other CAD based civil software. It is currently used by more than 1000 companies in North America and internationally. More information is available at site
For further information contact:
Softree Technical Systems Inc.
#204 1075 West 1st Street
North Vancouver
B.C. Canada
phone: 604-519-6222