Version 2.7 of BKG Ntrip Client (BNC) for Multi-GNSS Global Experiment is Available

Dear Colleagues,

A new version of the ‘BKG Ntrip Client’ (BNC, v2.7) is available from New features for the IGS Multi-GNSS Global Experiment (M-GEX) are:

– Decoding RTCM v3 HP MSM stream format for
  * GPS, GLONASS and Galileo following latest RTCM draft
  * QZSS following JAXA proposal
  * X tracking mode following agreement between BKG, Alberding and DLR
  * COMPASS following agreement between BKG, Alberding and DLR
  * SBAS following agreement between BKG, Alberding and DLR
– RINEX v2/v3 quality check involving
  * Multipath analysis sky plot
  * Signal-to-noise sky plot
  * Satellite availability plot
  * Satellite elevation plot
  * Position dilution of precision plot
  * Quality check logfile
– RINEX v2/v3 editing and concatenation logfile
– Stream distribution maps

Although the phase alignment issue is apparently not solved, BNC allows to convert MSM streams to RINEX v3 files.

Linux, Windows and Mac systems are supported. The source code is available from subversion software archive at

Email [] for comments, suggestions or bug reports.

Georg Weber & Leos Mervart

Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG), Frankfurt, Germany & Czech Technical University (CTU) Prague, Department of Geodesy