September/October National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency's Pathfinder Highlights Human Geography

Springfield, Va. – The September/October 2012 issue of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency’s Pathfinder magazine, now available online at, highlights human geography—the right place, the right time, human geography drives decisions on where and when to put boots on the ground.

Feature articles include:
• "Geospatial Intelligence Information Technology Changing to Better Support Analysts, Integrated Intelligence"
• "Modeling the Future of GEOINT"
• "Human Geography Provides Context to GEOINT"
• "National System for Geospatial Intelligence Expeditionary Architecture: Harnessing Big Data"
• "Integrated Work Groups Drive Improvements to Analytic Process"

NGA publishes the Pathfinder magazine bimonthly to promote public awareness and understanding of the geospatial intelligence discipline. For more information about NGA, visit us on Facebook at or on Twitter at