Blue Marble Releases Desktop 2.5 with Helmert Time Dependent Shifts and 3 &7 Parameter Datum Transformation Tool

Gardiner, Maine – September 5, 2012- Blue Marble Geographics ( ) is pleased to announce the release of the latest version of the Blue Marble Desktop v2.5. This release introduces new powerful geodetic tools, new time dependent transformations and file formats. Blue Marble’s geospatial data manipulation and conversion solutions are used worldwide by thousands of GIS analysts at software, oil and gas , mining, civil engineering, surveying, and technology companies, as well as governmental and university organizations.

Many of the new enhancements found in Blue Marble Desktop 2.5 are focused around the Geographic Calculator (v7.8). New support for the use of Helmert Time Dependent Shifts, 3 & 7 Parameter Creation, Geospatial PDF, LAS 1.4, Big GeoTiff and Esri GTF along with support for the OGP’s ESPG 8.0 database. Additionally the Geographic Calculator interfaces with the new online version of the OGP registry and supports updates for Indicio 2.2.1, the only way to connect directly into the online EPSG database. 

Desktop 2.5 also introduces direct coordinate transformations which are now included along with pre-defined datum shifts in the Blue Marble geodetic data source. This includes concatenated operations, as well as direct conversions using an affine transformation.  Support for converting multiple columns of coordinate data at one time in the Point Database Conversion job along with many other usability improvements are also introduced in this version.

“We’re pleased to expand the geodetic tools of the Geographic Calculator with this release,” stated Blue Marble President Patrick Cunningham.  “These tools along with ever expanding format support expand the survey to GIS capabilities of the Blue Marble Desktop ever further.”

About Blue Marble Geographics
Blue Marble Geographics of Hallowell, Maine is a leading developer and provider of software products and services for highly accurate geospatial data conversion solutions. Blue Marble’s Geographic Calculator and GeoCalc SDK are key tools for all of the majors and survey seismic production companies.  Global Mapper is an excellent pipeline management tool as a viewer centric, file format and spatial analysis tool supporting over 200 file formats. Starting at just $399 per license the tool is extremely user and budget friendly.

Contact Information:
Kris Berglund
Blue Marble Geographics
Gardiner, ME, USA
+1(207) 582-6747