Maptek Gives Vulcan 3D Modelling Software to NW Missouri State University

Educating university students and creating a partnership for the future is a shared goal for Maptek and Northwest Missouri State University.

Dr Aaron Johnson, assistant professor of geology at Northwest, heard about Maptek Vulcan software from one of his previous students who had been introduced to it in the workplace. Johnson called Maptek to find out more, and one month later an agreement to pledge 21 Vulcan licenses to the university was in place.

Northwest, a public university of more than 7,200 students, received their Vulcan licenses in May. In August, all advanced undergraduate students across economic geology, stratigraphy, sedimentology and geostatistics courses will begin using Vulcan to analyse data and create dynamic 3D models in the classroom.

‘Our Geology Department is like a four-legged table,’ said Johnson. ‘One leg is the traditional classroom setting, the second is inquiry-based lab experience, and the third is field experience.’

‘These three legs are strong but we were missing the fourth leg, which is computer technology and modern applications like Vulcan.’

The GeoStatModeller bundle was chosen because it prepares students for work on geostatistics and modelling. This Vulcan bundle is a complete package that will provide students with tools for statistical analysis and grade estimation, which are required for accurate modelling and mine planning.

‘We want our students to be able to visualise the data, and draw and render in 3D,’ said Johnson. ‘The tools include options for creating models and give us the ability to directly analyse borehole data, which is important in exploration geology.’

‘Donating software is a great way to encourage the use of high technology at universities,’ said Robert Slade, Senior Vice President of Vulcan Sales. ‘Maptek is always eager to participate in educating the next generation of earth science, geology and engineering professionals.’

With award-winning students, record graduation rates and a 93 percent job placement rate, Northwest is confident the addition of Vulcan will add value to the students’ education and boost their skills for their future professions.

‘Our goal is to give our students every possible advantage,’ said Johnson. ‘And Vulcan will allow us to take our program right to the cutting edge of technology.’

About Maptek
Maptek™ is a global company that has developed high technology solutions to help mining companies make the most of their data for more than 30 years. Maptek Vulcan™ is one of the world’s most trusted 3D mine planning and modelling packages. Some 6,000 licenses of Vulcan are active across the globe for applications ranging from mine exploration and geological modelling, to mine design, planning and rehabilitation. Vulcan is in use at more than 1,200 sites worldwide that are aided by technical support from our global network of 14 offices.

Caption: Northwest Associate Professor of Geology, Renee Rohs and Geology Student Kellen Koll working on GIS analysis.