AeroMetric’s DMC Upgrades Boost Performance

AeroMetric has upgraded two of its Z/I Imaging Digital Mapping Camera (DMC) sensors.  The upgrades replace the sensors original hard drives with a state-of-the-art solid state system, enhancing reliability and portability. These improvements also yield greater consistency in color tone and balance across all of the company’s digital platforms. Improved flight management hardware and software have also been installed.

Designed specifically as a photogrammetric mapping camera, the DMC offers a frame-based image geometry and a custom lens design that result in very high-quality geometric resolution and minimal distortion. All DMC systems collect four-band multispectral (Red, Green, Blue, Near IR) and black-and-white panchromatic imagery. Automated forward motion compensation and rapid refresh rate offer a great deal of versatility at both high and low altitudes.

AeroMetric’s DMCs collect high-quality multispectral and panchromatic imagery—at low altitudes for highly detailed, large-scale photography applications, and at high altitudes for small-scale regional projects.

“We are constantly looking to bring additional value to our clients,” said Antonio Montoya, AeroMetric Vice President of Marketing. “These upgrades bring our digital imaging sensors up to the latest standards allowing us to meet the growing mapping needs of our clientele.”

About AeroMetric
AeroMetric, Inc., is a full-service geospatial solutions company built on over eight decades of consistent, quality service and enduring client relationships. The firm offers a comprehensive range of on-target geospatial solutions including the latest in photogrammetric, lidar, satellite and airborne imaging technology and has earned a reputation for technical excellence, superior service, and on-time, on-budget delivery. For more information please call 1-800-558-6707 or visit