Merrick’s Daniel Harrington Receives National ACEC Young Professional of the Year Nomination

Aurora, CO – January 12, 2012 This month the American Council of Engineering Companies of Colorado (ACEC) recognizes outstanding individuals in the consulting engineering community, within the ACEC membership, and in the larger Colorado engineering community. The ACEC Colorado group has nominated Merrick’s ( Daniel Harrington, PE, LEED BD+C, for consideration of this upcoming prestigious national award based on his accomplishments and impact he is making in the industry. Harrington is one of five Colorado nominees for January’s event.

Merrick also has nominated Harrington for consideration of the “ACEC Colorado New Faces of Engineering” award based on his leadership at Merrick. Harrington has been with Merrick for more than seven years leading a variety of projects including work for the military, USDA, Center for Disease Control, federal, state and local government. He was a valuable team member on ACEC award winning projects including the Integrated Glovebox System (IGBS) project for a confidential client and a BSL-3Ag Large Animal Research facility located in Ames, IA for the USDA/ARS. Harrington routinely meets with clients to ensure success of each project and he is often called upon to educate clients on various design options. His expertise is well respected in the industry. Harrington is one of Merrick’s leading experts in lighting design, lighting control, day-lighting, and energy efficient design.

In between his leadership on projects, Harrington manages Merrick’s college internship program, which this last year involved 20 interns, arranges the company annual snow day and helps organize the company’s “Bring Your Child to Work Day.” He has served as a math and science tutor of the Colorado Association of Black Professional Engineers and Scientists and participates in the U.S. Air Force Academy’s Society of American Military Engineers summer construction camp. He is a graduate of The University of Colorado, Boulder.

Harrington will be recognized in February at ACEC Colorado’s General Membership meeting in Lakewood, CO. In late February, results of the “National ACEC New Faces in Engineering” will be announced during the ‘Engineers Week’.

More information about Merrick & Company is located at the Merrick & Company Newsroom.