Carlson Takeoff R5 Speeds Up Converting PDF Files & More

Maysville, Ky., U.S.A. (December 28, 2011)—  Carlson Takeoff R5, which comes with the AutoCAD® engine built-in, gives users increased 3D visualization, a whole new set of commands for working with PDF files, and the ability to produce customized, more professional reports among its many additional improvements.

A comprehensive and accurate CAD-based project-estimating and modeling software solution for contractors, Carlson Takeoff 5.0 (R5) allows users to estimate and report cut/fill quantities, subgrade materials, topsoil removal/replacement, over-excavation, trenching, roads and strata calculations from a variety of possible sources.

“Contractors are increasingly getting design files as PDFs that often contain images,” explains David Carlson, V.P. of Development for Carlson Software. “The new routines in Carlson Takeoff R5 that convert images to CAD linework speed up the process of making this image data useful.

“For road work in Carlson Takeoff,” he says, “we added the ability to break out cross section quantities by staging and also the reporting of unsuitable material for end areas.”

These new features, combined with a new and improved Report Formatter, make for more customized and more impressive reports.

Carlson Takeoff R5 enables users to develop precise estimates to help win jobs, and then the software helps build accurate machine control models that output to all major machine control providers. Takeoff R5 is a complete product that works with the many different data sources used for today’s varied construction application, including PDF and TIFF images, LandXML files, CAD drawings (.dwg, .dxf, and .dgn) and digitized paper plans.

Along with Carlson Takeoff R5 with built-in AutoCAD, Carlson Software also just released Carlson Survey 2012 Embedded AutoCAD. Carlson Software also offers Carlson Takeoff 2012 and Carlson Survey 2012, part of the Carlson office product line, which come with IntelliCAD® 7.1 built-in and runs on AutoCAD/Map/Civil3D®, versions 2000 to 2012.

For more information about Carlson Takeoff 2012 and Carlson Takeoff R5, visit or call Carlson at 800-989-5028 or 606-564-5028 to get connected to the Carlson representative near you. Carlson has been meeting land design professionals’ software needs since 1983.