Topo Analyst Software Review and PE&RS Highlight Article

Starkville, Miss., 31, October 2011 – The LiDAR community of practitioners gets a better look at Topo Analyst, the second software product by Spatial Information Solutions (SIS) in its suite of products, Map Accuracy Tools. Topo Analyst allows users to verify the accuracy of LiDAR and raster elevation data. Professional Surveyor Magazine is publishing a software review next month about Topo Analyst that emphasizes the ease of use of the product and how it answers the questions, ‘How good are my data?’ and ‘Does this data meet the requirements of my applications?’ 

In the highlight article of the upcoming November PE&RS, President of SIS, Dr. Charles (Chuck) O’Hara, discusses the disconnect between the LiDAR project data production life cycle, current practices for end-of-project data delivery and testing, and emerging specifications that require testing of data developed at increments of the typical LiDAR data project. Topo Analyst provides a key part of the solution, and SIS is working to identify and implement a set of best practices that could more comprehensively address the needs of the mapping industry and the community of practitioners and data users. The PE&RS highlight article also showcases several data collections for which Topo Analyst was used to evaluate data provided by federal agencies as well as industry LiDAR data producers. 

Data producers as well as engineers, government agency buyers, other data customers, and end users can now check LiDAR data, elevation data, and verify derived information products using an easy-to-use and cost-effective solution for assuring that data meet requirements. In fact, since Topo Analyst was designed from the ground up for verifying LiDAR, it is an independent and unbiased solution. Users find that Topo Analyst provides fast, automatic, consistent, and streamlined methods for verifying and reporting LiDAR and elevation data accuracy and quality including methods that evaluate consistency, compliance, completeness, and correctness. 

With Topo Analyst, you can make sure you are producing, buying, or using elevation data that meet your specifications and mapping needs. Topo Analyst – Map with Confidence!

To schedule a webex or for purchasing or pricing inquiries about Topo Analyst, or other SIS products, please contact Leslie O’Hara or simply buy online at

About Spatial Information Solutions, Inc.
Spatial Information Solutions, Inc. (SIS) provides software-based map accuracy and content enhancement solutions that enable its customers to map with confidence. For more information, visit