JAVAD GNSS Response to Jim Kirkland Op-Ed in The Hill

I am not in the habit of responding to people’s baseless comments, but could not resist responding to Jim Kirkland, Trimble’s general counsel.

Seeing Jim Kirkland’s comments about my technical work on LightSquared it was obvious that Mr. Kirkland has no right and no credentials to discuss or make comments on any technical issues, let alone on LightSqured technical issues. He is General Counsel for Trimble and out of self-respect for himself and for his readers he should limit his comments to areas of his expertise. There are self-licensed people like him who get out of their own territories and mislead people.

Lacking any substance or logic in his article, he attempted to grasp straws. He wrote:

” If Dr. Ashjaee’s technology was suitable for this wide universe of GPS receivers, one would expect that his company would have greater market share than its current small portion of the GPS market, and more objective evidence of market acceptance, not just self promotion.”

My market share has nothing to do with the validity of the technology that I am ready to show him and to the world.

Responding to his straw; I like to remind Mr. Kirkland of my contributions to market shares of Trimble. Also note that the market share of Topcon, which has put a big dent on Trimble’s market share, is what was Javad Positioning Systems, which I sold to Topcon few years back. Also the market share of Ashtech, which Trimble recently purchased, carries my legacy and bears my last name.

JAVAD GNSS is my new and young company, which I started recently after my obligations to Topcon ended, and was perceived in our initial agreement. JAVAD GNSS is growing very fast and gaining market share rapidly. Even in the short three years, we have at least five new innovations, which may take Trimble many years to catch up.

Mr. Kirkland better stay away from technical issues and focus on practicing law, if he feels he has competency at least in that field. Trimble and GNSS field will be in a much better shape if Trimble’s smart engineers take the lead rather than letting its lawyer loose.