50th Space Wing Installs Large Software Sustainment Release

Schriever Air Force Base, Colo. – The 50th Space Wing’s 2nd Space Operations Squadron installed a major software release containing 104 fixes to the GPS Ground Segment.

The Space and Missile Systems Center’s GPS Directorate Sustainment team, located at Peterson Air Force Base, delivered the software updates to 2 SOPS after 20 weeks of rigorous testing.

"Our team takes the software updates and puts them through another battery of tests to mitigate risk to the lowest level possible, prior to installation," said Lt. Col. Jennifer Grant, 2 SOPS commander. "This particular release is bringing many needed fixes to the ground segment and, through several updated displays, enhances the operator’s insight to possible system problems."

This is the largest sustainment release to the GPS ground segment since transitioning to the Architecture Evolution Plan system in 2007. Since 2007, the GPS Directorate has been concentrating on delivering new capability software to the ground segment for the IIF satellite, increasing navigation signal strength and anti-spoof capability.

"This combined effort is a demonstration of our commitment to the modernization of GPS, to include the command and control tools, as we focus on providing improved support to warfighters and civil users around the world," said Grant.