FOSS4G 2011 in Denver Gathers Momentum

Denver, August 22, 2011 — The Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G) conference, the premier international conference focused on open source geospatial software, is fast approaching. The event, which will take place in Denver from Sept. 12-16,  has gathered a great deal of momentum, with more than 600 attendees from 31 countries and 43 states signed up so far. It’s not too late to take advantage of this unique learning opportunity that presents a world-class program at great value to attendees, and in a beautiful setting.

The response has been very positive for the Monday and Tuesday workshops that provide a hands-on experience to participants. If you’ve been thinking about taking some of these courses, you’ll want to act now as a few have reached the maximum capacity of 80 participants, and many are well subscribed.

In addition to the strong interest in content from current free and open source geospatial software users, there is a growing interest for this year’s event from those that haven’t explored the technology in the past. Many are responding to the full-day introduction that will take place on Tuesday of the event, as well as to compelling blog posts from top technology developers that have articulated their reasons for attending.

Here’s what some are saying about the event on the blogosphere:
• Mapbrief: Geospatial Open Source Has Gone Mainstream
• Geothought: How FOSS4G Had a Profound Impact on My Geospatial Technology Path
• Spatially Adjusted: Why You Can’t Afford to Miss FOSS4G 2011
• Bird’s Eye View: Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt
• FOSS4G: Fun and Games in Denver
• Clever Elephant: FOSS4G Time
• GIS User: Still Thinking About FOSS4G 2011?

The event has strong support from major sponsors that include Esri, RadiantBlue, Google, OpenGeo, MapQuest, Newmont, and Safe Software. Additional support at the bronze level include AppGeo, Azavea, Camptocamp, EOX, GeoCat, GeoIQ, GeoSolutions, Korem, MapGears, Metaspatial, NBT Solutions, Oracle Spatial, SkyGone, Spatial Networks, Spatialytics and Terrestris.

You can view the full program at The link to the registration and accommodations page is at

About FOSS4G
FOSS4G is the global conference focused on Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial that is organized by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) with support from an all-volunteer organizing committee and professional conference management from the Geospatial Information Technology Association (GITA). The 2011 FOSS4G event in Denver marks the first North American event in four years, with the prior three events taking place in Barcelona, Sydney and Cape Town.

Related Links: FOSS4G Denver 2011 Open Source Geospatial Foundation State of the Map Conference Geospatial Information Technology Association