Dielmo 3D Maximizes Utilities’ LiDAR Investment Managing Data Online Making it Accessible to Those Who Need It!

Valencia, Spain, Centennial CO, – DIELMO 3D S.L., Valencia, Spain, (www.dielmo.com) helps to empower utility Right-of-Way (ROW) managers by giving them the right tools to implement business practices to manage wire condition risks, field and operation issues, auditing, and remediation of emergent issues, by putting their LiDAR, ortho photos and other information online and accessible to all interested personnel in a manner that is understandable to all parties.

Dielmo Server Technology is distributed in North America by Spatial Resources, LLC, Centennial, Colorado (www.spatialresources.com) providing a very useful tool for managing LiDAR data online. All potential users who don’t know or cannot manage LiDAR data will be able to understand and work with this information drawing conclusions from LiDAR data, getting information from a point, displaying the data in 3D, drawing a cross-section or making measurements.

A ploy utilities need to watch out for is LiDAR providers who use data acquisition and basic processing as a loss leader and selling the utility that they just need their final deliverables from the LiDAR survey and not the actual original data. This is a critical mistake because then LiDAR vendors can hold the original LiDAR data hostage …understanding that when the utility comes back for  more value-added processing and information products, the price gets a lot higher and the utility ends up paying a lot more than they originally would if they had contracted properly.

Facility owners should insist on receiving all data from a LiDAR survey including the original LiDAR point cloud data as well as all final deliverables. Dielmo removes the high cost of maintaining internal IT staff, infrastructure and hardware by hosting these services and managing the heavy lifting of data storage requirements associated with the Gigabytes of LiDAR and Ortho Imagery as well as generating intelligent information derived from LiDAR data. Data can be made accessible to other GIS systems as a Web Mapping Service (WMS) requiring no GIS data configuration or resource dependent Geo-database loading.

For electric transmission applications, Dielmo Server Technology is able to display LiDAR data in 3D, by height, intensity, and classifications; Analyze the data by creating profiles; Classify profiles and export them; and get information from each point. Without any expert knowledge or specialized software, utility personnel can detect danger areas, measure pole distances, height of wires and monitor valuable infrastructure.

Excellent QA/QC Tool to Evaluate, Analyze and Maximize Benefits of LiDAR Data and Archive Valuable Geospatial Information
Dielmo Server Technology allows the visualization of LiDAR data, DTM’s and ortho photos using Web Mapping Services (WMS), an OGC standard, to visualize original LiDAR point-cloud data that can be represented in different styles (height, intensity, RGB or classification) without having to distribute the original data.

Dielmo’s 3D Viewer provides outstanding 3D Visualization allowing users to set preferences for display of the 3D point cloud, while the Dielmo LiDAR profile client allows complete analysis of the LiDAR data including editing, measurement and export tools.  The technology allows users to distribute LiDAR data by region or by profile, using HTTP requests with the region of interest and coordinate system. Dielmo’s web service is able to create an LAS file with only the points inside the selected region returned to the user as a link to the compressed file in less than one second.

Dielmo 3D also provides classification of data, vectorization of transmission networks, and risk evaluation of vegetation encroachment into power lines. They can classify original LAS/xyz/bin LiDAR data and provide rapid, accurate classified data in specified themes, such as: Buildings, Wooden poles, Ground, Vegetation (high, medium, low), Infrastructure, electric towers, Power lines (2D, 3D) and Roads.

Utilities face tremendous operational challenges every day in managing transmission lines and ROW’s. They need to decide what equipment or machinery to use when accessing a given line or span that has been restricted by virtue of terrain, land use, steepness, remote access, habitat etc. Having LiDAR, ortho photos and other geographic information online for all team members to access makes these day to day operational challenges much easier with less risk when addressed online in the office saving expensive, time-consuming trips to the field.

About DIELMO 3D S.L.
Since 2003, DIELMO (DIgital ELevation MOdels) offers a broad range of products and services connected with Digital Terrain Models (DTM) and Remote Sensing, and focusing its efforts on internal research projects creating their own technology for production, quality control and distribution of geographic information. DIELMO has become one of the main DTM, digital cartography, acquisition and LiDAR processing and virtual scenarios generation providers in Spain, offering total geographic information solutions and is now in the process of offering their technology to the international community. For more information contact: Central Office : C/ Vicente Casaban Sena 14 Bajo 46950 Xirivella, Valencia; Tel./Fax:  +34 963 137 212; www.dielmo.com , E-mail: dielmo@dielmo.com

About Spatial Resources, LLC
Spatial Resources is a spatial advisory practice providing information and assistance to organizations in fields that have need for the efficient and effective application of spatial information. Spatial Resources provides customized solutions to aid productivity and ensure efficiency in the following areas: Aerial/Satellite Imagery, Airborne LIDAR, Close-Range Photogrammetry, Mobile LiDAR, Terrestrial Laser Scanning, LIDAR Software, and Physical Scale-Models from GIS Data.
For more information, contact Roland Mangold, Spatial Resources, at 720-934-2482, roland.mangold@gmail.com or visit www.spatialresources.com