INTERGEO 2011 Premiere: Candidates for the GeoBusiness Award Present Their Ideas

Karlsruhe, 11 August 2011. For the first time, candidates for the GeoBusiness Award 2011 will present their innovative projects at INTERGEO in Nuremberg. The ideas range from an online platform for forestry information and an iPhone app for species conservation to a portal providing information on cabling for construction projects. The award – which comes with a prize of EUR 10,000 – is presented by the GeoBusiness Commission (GIW Commission) of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology in recognition of new business models in the field of geobusiness. The GIW Commission numbers high-ranking associations from the German industrial sector among its members. As a result, the award focuses on extremely interesting business ideas or process improvements that have one thing in common – they prepare local public sector information for the market, says Olaf Freier, Managing Director of HINTE GmbH, the company responsible for organising the trade fair.

Held in Nuremberg from 27 to 29 September, INTERGEO is the perfect place for the candidates for the GeoBusiness Award 2011. At the GIW Commission stand (Stand E41 in Hall 7a), they will have an opportunity to showcase their new geoinformation ideas that have recently been launched on the market. The event gives them access to an audience of industry professionals and will also show just how tough it will be for the judges to select three finalists. The winner will receive EUR 10,000 and a comprehensive PR package. Once the panel of judges has reached its decision, the 3rd GeoBusiness Award will be presented in Berlin on 2 November. INTERGEO also offers the seven candidates an additional opportunity to present their projects. On the Wednesday of the fair, they will take to the stage in the Trend and Media Forum (TMF) at Stand A10 in Hall 6 to explain the innovative ideas behind their geoinformation products. INTERGEO supports the award’s goal of promoting intelligent geobusiness ideas and raising awareness in all areas of the German business community. The world’s largest conference trade fair for geodesy, geoinformation and land management is the most comprehensive product platform showcasing the industry’s ideas and innovative strength.

DVW e.V. – the German Society for Geodesy, Geoinformation and Land Management – is the patron of INTERGEO, which is being held from 27 to 29 September 2011 in Nuremberg.