Allpoint Named as Tech 50 Innovator of the Year Finalist

Allpoint Systems (“Allpoint”), a software company that develops highly scalable 3D data processing solutions, announced that the Pittsburgh Technology Council named Allpoint a finalist for the Tech 50 Innovator of the Year Award.

The competition recognizes the region’s fastest-growing and most innovative technology companies and top executives. The Innovator of the Year category includes companies that are making disruptive products in their industries.

Allpoint is unique in that it applies cutting edge technologies from computer vision and mobile robotics research to an industry that has a reputation of being one of the oldest in history: survey and mapping. Surveyors and engineers increasingly use advanced laser scanners (LiDAR) to generate high-density 3D models of buildings, roadways, tunnels, and factories. Timely access to accurate measurements, physical assessments and asset inventories helps businesses manage projects and operations more efficiently and economically.

Aaron Morris, a Ph.D. graduate of Carnegie Mellon University’s Robotics Institute founded Allpoint out of necessity as surveyors became overwhelmed with an increasing volume of 3D data know as "point clouds." Laser scanners emit a laser beam and then register the beam as it returns after hitting an object. The result is a geo-referenced point. At 500,000 points per second, today’s scanners produce highly detailed 3D models. According to Aaron, "Many customers have similar stories. They invest in or develop new scanners that collect data on an order of magnitude greater than previous technologies. However, processing that data into meaningful results takes weeks or months when using point-and-click software solutions. It’s like moving a mountain of dirt with a shovel. It’s not practical." Allpoint develops software algorithms that automate the analysis of this data. "Many industries don’t achieve critical mass in terms of utility and adoption until automated methods and technology are introduced. Allpoint’s software solutions will enable the 3D measurement and mapping of the world around us in new and innovative ways that are cheaper, faster and better."

With Pittsburgh’s roots in robotics, there is a growing cluster of companies focusing on 3D technologies. Allpoint’s President, Joel Reed, notes, "We are excited to be a part of that community, and we aim to become a leader in the emerging laser scanning industry. We thank the Tech Council for the recognition, and we extend our congratulations to all finalists."

Contact: Allpoint Systems; (412) 589-9030