Got LiDAR? … Maximize LiDAR Investment by Serving it On the Internet

So Everyone Can Benefit From Valuable High Resolution/Accuracy Geospatial Information

Valencia, Spain, Centennial CO, – DIELMO 3D S.L., Valencia, Spain, has signed an agreement with Spatial Resources, LLC., Centennial, Colorado to distribute the Dielmo Server Technology which allows visualization, analysis and distribution of LiDAR data, raster layers and geographic information over the internet or intranets.

Millions of points collected by LiDAR devices are now accessible to virtually anyone in a totally immersive 3D view of objects and surroundings. DIELMO has overcome the technological barriers that LiDAR has traditionally presented making it accessible to anyone in the organization, maximizing LiDAR technology investment by leveraging its benefits throughout the organization, and increasing the number of potential users who can benefit from the valuable information LiDAR provides.

Excellent QA/QC Tool to Evaluate, Analyze and Maximize Benefits of LiDAR Data and Archive Valuable Geospatial Information
Dielmo Server Technology allows the visualization of LiDAR data, DTM’s and ortho photos using Web Mapping Services (WMS), an OGC standard, to visualize original LiDAR point-cloud data that can be represented in different styles (height, intensity, RGB or classification) without having to distribute the original data.

Dielmo’s 3D Viewer provides outstanding 3D Visualization allowing users to set preferences for display of the 3D point cloud, while the Dielmo LiDAR profile client allows complete analysis of the LiDAR data including editing, measurement and export tools. The technology allows users to distribute LiDAR data by region or by profile, using HTTP requests with the region of interest and coordinate system. Dielmo’s web service is able to create an LAS file with only the points inside the selected region returned to the user as a link to the compressed file in less than one second.

Dielmo Server Technology web services to visualize, analyze and distribute LiDAR data and other geographic information over the internet allows creation of 3D worlds for simulation of projects making high resolution, high-accuracy LiDAR, raster and geospatial data accessible to everyone associated with a project.

Dielmo Server Technology Applications:
High-impact human activity planning and infrastructure projects benefit when analyzed and communicated by this type of simulation tool. It allows assessment and communication for civil engineering projects providing visualization of how they can affect the environment.

Organizations with large volumes of geo-referenced data including LiDAR can create intuitive 3D spatial presentations of the information, allowing participation by technical and nontechnical staff at any time, improving and streamlining decision-making in numerous applications:
• Environmental impact studies
• Natural disasters mitigation
• Infrastructure design
• Mining and Geology
• Operating surfaces and areas
• Power lines and pipeline management
• Topography
• New Infrastructure projects
• Urban planning
• Museums, interpretation centers and training sites
• Electric utility encroachments, vegetation issues, and asset management
• Military intelligence operations, training and recognition of targets
• Emergency Management, forest fires and civil emergency planning
• Simulation for evacuation or assistance
• Visualization of transport infrastructure (highways, railway, airports, seaports…)
• Forestry and natural resources
• Planning of infrastructure such as roads, railways, airports, real estate development
• Planning of wind or solar energy parks
• Communication network studies

Customized 3D worlds provide better analysis and understanding of evaluation parameters providing multiple benefits to virtually every function within an organization. Providing detailed geospatial information and free exploration of 3D scenarios is an excellent way to communicate territorial concepts, represent as-built and spatially localized assets, infrastructure and natural environments.

The ability to analyze, view and interact with 3D models in personalized 3D scenarios is perfect for any infrastructure project such as roads, pipelines, utilities, electric transmission lines, urban planning and any human activity that can impact the environment.

Dielmo offers the possibility of teaching territorial concepts, space and the environment to all project personnel through an immersive experience, over a virtual 3D environment, at the same time. This interactive learning environment improves staff skills and knowledge by consulting, practicing and simulating real experiences at any time day or night without leaving the office reducing organizational costs, risk of injury and liability.

About DIELMO 3D S.L.
Since 2003, DIELMO (DIgital ELevation MOdels) offers a broad range of products and services connected with Digital Terrain Models (DTM) and Remote Sensing, and focusing its efforts on internal research projects creating their own technology for production, quality control and distribution of geographic information. DIELMO has become one of the main DTM, digital cartography, acquisition and LiDAR processing and virtual scenarios generation providers in Spain, offering total geographic information solutions and is now in the process of offering their technology to the international community. For more information contact: Central Office : C/ Vicente Casaban Sena 14 Bajo 46950 Xirivella, Valencia; Tel./Fax: +34 963 137 212; E-mail:

About Spatial Resources, LLC
Spatial Resources is a spatial advisory practice providing information and assistance to organizations in fields that have need for the efficient and effective application of spatial information. Spatial Resources provides customized solutions to aid productivity and ensure efficiency in the following areas: Aerial/Satellite Imagery, Airborne LIDAR, Close-Range Photogrammetry, Mobile LiDAR, Terrestrial Laser Scanning, LIDAR Software, and Physical Scale-Models from GIS Data. For more information, contact Roland Mangold, Spatial Resources, at 720-934-2482, or visit