Spatial Media Announces the Launch of LiDAR Magazine

Back in 1999, we wrote our first article on the Cyrax laser scanner. At the time, the field to office ratio (from raw scan to deliverable) was 40:1. That’s 40 hours of processing for every hour in the field. This ratio is now approaching one to one. Prices are falling, too; some scanners are less than $50,000 USD.

Long story short, there’s more opportunity than ever before. The way we map and visualize our world is changing—the 3D Revolution is upon us.

LiDAR, short for Light Detection And Ranging, is the core technology behind laser scanning. Our goal is to bring you the latest and greatest insights into all things LiDAR, from close-range metrology to to large-scale aerial projects. The magazine is iPad, tablet & browser compatible. You can also access individual PDF files.

Our first edition covers topics as varied as:

  • Laser Scanning, Orthophotos & BIM
  • ASTM E57 Data Exchange Standard
  • Reflections on Scanning a Coast
  • Mobile Mapping in South America
  • Automated Feature Extraction
  • Introduction from Editor Gene Roe & more…

The charter edition of LiDAR Magazine is now available! Click here to view your digital copy

Enjoy, and don’t hesitate to let us know what you think!

Allen Cheves
Publisher & Co-Founder
Spatial Media & LiDAR Magazine /